January 2010 Archives

Ski & Snowboard School Lesson

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To make a reservation with ski school, please ask us!


Private Lesson ( 3 people or less )
1 day lesson : 25,000yen
Half day lesson : 18,000yen

Group Lesson ( 4 people and more )
1 day lesson : 30,000yen
Half day lesson : 20,000yen

Family Lesson
1 day lesson : 25,000yen
Half day lesson : 18,000yen

* One day : 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm
* Half day : 10am-12pm or 1pm-3pm
* An instructor speaks English.
* Reservation is required.
* The price is applied per instructor.

To book above lessons, please provide me with the followings.
*Date :
*Which private lesson? :
*Number of people :
*Number of instructor :
*Ski or Snowboard :
*Level :

Everyday Lesson: (no need to reservation)
The ski school has a Everyday Lesson as well, but it is not private so that you might not have an instructor who speaks English.
One day lesson : 4,000yen per person.
Half day lesson : 3,000yen per person.
* 1 day : 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm
* Half day : 10am-12pm or 1pm-3pm

Nozawa Onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

Had a precious time

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Our friends who are like our family in Taiwan were coming jsut before.
They are visiting Kawaichiya every year and we usually drink a tons of beer together!
This time, they brought many kids and played with my son & daughter.
They always give us many energy!

We all had a precious time with them again.

Thank you very much and we hope to see you next year!



Nozawa Onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

Taiwan Ski Group is visiting now. Thank you very much!

This ski group is always coming every year and we all much appreciate it.


More Pictures : http://picasaweb.google.co.jp/kawaichiya/

Nozawa Onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

Tour to the Monkey Park!

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Half a day trip to meet the snow monkey!

We make a book for you instead of you.

Please ask us!


Tour Day : Every Monday and Friday

Fee : 5800yen/person

tour to monkey park.jpg

Nozawa onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

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This page is an archive of entries from January 2010 listed from newest to oldest.

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