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Tragically a huge earthquake occurred with dozens of times in Japan on 11th Mar, and the damage has been serious. It occurred near Nozawaonsen area early in the morning of 12th Mar as well.

We got a lot of heartwarming emails from our guests visited before.

The situation here was that some buildings and parts of snow area got damage, so that some of ryokans and hotels were suspended, the some lifts at the snow area were in need of repair right after the earthquake.

Our ryokan also got some damage, but fortunately not serious and did not need to be closed.

We all are OK here!

Small earthquake keeps coming here now, so we still need to pay attention though.

Everything in Nozawa has become normal and the ski resort has opened already.

Thank you very much for your concern.

Nozawa onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

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This page contains a single entry by Nozawa onsen published on March 17, 2011 6:04 PM.

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