June 2011 Archives

Jetstar Airways

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Jetstar's MASSIVE 39 hour sale is now on!

Click Here for incredible low fares starting from just $39 one way!

Bookings with us for the next winter season have been started.

During the Dosojin season will be fully booked soon.

Please ask us.

Nozawa onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

Air Asia

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Looking at heading to Nozawaonsen this coming season, the Air Asia has some good deals!


Bookings with us for the next winter season have been started.

During the Dosojin season will be fully booked soon.

Please ask us.

Nozawa onsen Kawaichiya ryokan


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We have started Facebook here at Kawaichiya ryokan!

I am trying to inform you information from Nozawa onsen Japan.

Please find us on Facebook and send us some message :D

Nozawa onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

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This page is an archive of entries from June 2011 listed from newest to oldest.

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July 2011 is the next archive.

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