Recently in Nozawa onsen Snow Area Category

The Nozawa Onsen Ski School offers a variety of lessons and activities throughout the Ski Season ranging from general ski and snowboard, kids' and private lessons to snow shoeing tours and camps. Whether it is intense one-on-one training with a professional coach or you're just looking to enjoy the scenic trails, there's something available for all ages.

General Ski & Snowboarding Lessons

Ski and snowboarding classes are held every day on a regular basis ranging from beginners to advanced lessons. Full day lessons as well as morning and afternoon half day lessons are available. Enrolments are done on the day of the lessons during reception times at the Nozawa Ski School desk. Classes will be divided according to experience and technical skills and, as such as, the lesson plans will change depending on the classes. For further details, please refer to the Nozawa onsen Ski School website.

school.jpgFull Day Lesson
*Lesson Time : 10:00 - 12:00, 13:15 - 15:15
*Prices : 4,000yen per person.
*Enrolment : 8:30 - 10:00

Morning Lesson
*Lesson Time : 10:00 - 12:00
*Prices : 3,000yen per person.
*Enrolment : 8:30 - 10:00

Afternoon Lesson
*Lesson Time : 13:15 - 15:15
*Prices : 3,000yen per person.
*Enrolment : 12:30 - 13:15

The Nozawa onsen Ski School also offers discounts for a full day lift and lesson package. Only available with the general adults lessons for ski and snowboarding, a full day lift pass will be included in a full day lesson for a total of 7,500yen. Please go to the Ski School front desk during their reception times.
Please note that the class lessons are predominantly in Japanese and there are no guarantees for English speaking staff. Please refer to the Private Lesson for it.

Private Lessons
Whether it is for a family, a school class, a club or even for business groups, the Nozawa onsen Ski School also provides qualified instructors for private lessons. As English speaking instructors are in limited supply, early reservations are recommended in order to secure your lessons.

Private Family Lesson (Immediate family members)
*Full Day : 25,000yen
*Half Day : 18,000yen

IMG_9832.jpgPrivate Lesson (Up to 3 person)
*Full Day : 25.000yen
*Half Day : 18,000yen

Group Lesson (4 or more persons)
*Full Day : 30,000yen
*Half Day : 20,000yen

We are happy to ask them and make a reservation instead of you. Please provide us with the followings.
- Date :
- Which private lesson? :
- Number of people :
- Number of instructor :
- Ski or Snowboard :
- Level :

For more information, please refer to
Nozawa onsen Ski School official website

Nozawa onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

No snow on mountain "Kenashi". Once go up, feel so cool!!

Flower Garden is spread, great Trekking Tours are attractive and cool & flesh Air is more worthful!

The Best Summer season has just begun!

Check out this Nozawa onsen Green Field web site.


Nozawa onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

Ski & Snowboard School Lesson

| No TrackBacks

To make a reservation with ski school, please ask us!


Private Lesson ( 3 people or less )
1 day lesson : 25,000yen
Half day lesson : 18,000yen

Group Lesson ( 4 people and more )
1 day lesson : 30,000yen
Half day lesson : 20,000yen

Family Lesson
1 day lesson : 25,000yen
Half day lesson : 18,000yen

* One day : 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm
* Half day : 10am-12pm or 1pm-3pm
* An instructor speaks English.
* Reservation is required.
* The price is applied per instructor.

To book above lessons, please provide me with the followings.
*Date :
*Which private lesson? :
*Number of people :
*Number of instructor :
*Ski or Snowboard :
*Level :

Everyday Lesson: (no need to reservation)
The ski school has a Everyday Lesson as well, but it is not private so that you might not have an instructor who speaks English.
One day lesson : 4,000yen per person.
Half day lesson : 3,000yen per person.
* 1 day : 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm
* Half day : 10am-12pm or 1pm-3pm

Nozawa Onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

OPEN 17th Dec

| No TrackBacks
Nozawa Snow Resort will finally open on 17th Dec!

Opening Discount Campaign is postponed.

DATE : From 17 to 25 Dec.
Discount 1 DAY TICKET
  ADULT : 3000yen
  CHILD : 1500yen
  SENIOR : 2000yen


Nozawa onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

Nozawa Today

| No TrackBacks

Nozawa Today







Nozawa Onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

Snow is coming!

| No TrackBacks

We have been waiting so long time!

It is coming!





Nozawa Onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

What a beautiful scenery!

| No TrackBacks
I went to the snow area today. It was very fine day and we could enjoy a scenery more than skiing.

Here are some pictures I want to show you.


Kids Park!

| No TrackBacks
The Kids Park is located at the Hikage Gelende which might be considered as the main gelende of the Nozawa Onsen resort at the base of the mountain.

In the Kids Park, kids and their parents can enjoy with snow together!


There are some restaurants, ski school, information center and child care center near the Kids Park, so it should very safety and convenient for everybody.

Nozawa Onsen Kawaichiya ryokan 

Rental Shops

| No TrackBacks

There are many rental shops in this town and we have special contract with one of them. The shop is only 2 minutes away from our Ryokan and you can get big discounts at there.

< Discount Price >

Each of the folloings is 1,000yen per day.

*Ski set (Skis, boots and poles.)

*Snowboard set (Board and boots.)

*Ski or Snowboard Wear (Jacket and pants.)

*500yen for Goggle, hat and gloves.

Nozawa Onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

Ski & Snowboard School Lesson

| No TrackBacks

There is a ski school at the entrance of snow area and they have some lessons.


Private Lesson ( 3 people or less )
1 day lesson : 25,000yen
Half day lesson : 18,000yen

Group Lesson ( 4 people and more )
1 day lesson : 30,000yen
Half day lesson : 20,000yen

Family Lesson
1 day lesson : 25,000yen
Half day lesson : 18,000yen

* One day : 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm
* Half day : 10am-12pm or 1pm-3pm
* An instructor speaks English.
* Reservation is required.
* The price is applied per instructor.

Everyday Lesson: (no need to reservation)
The ski school has a Everyday Lesson as well, but it is not private so that you might not have an instructor who speaks English.
One day lesson : 4,000yen per person.
Half day lesson : 3,000yen per person.
* 1 day : 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm
* Half day : 10am-12pm or 1pm-3pm

Lessons with an English-speaking instructor must be booked in advance. If you need, of course I will make a reservation instead of you.

To book a private lesson, please provide me with the followings.
  *Date :
  *Which private lesson? :
  *Number of people :
  *Number of instructor :
  *Ski or Snowboard :
  *Level :

Nozawa Onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

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