Room Vacancy: October 2010 Archives

We are happy to announce that we have just started to have a booking for next winter!

We have many Stay Plans, which is suitable for any style of your stay in Nozawa onsen. You can check the Room Rates on our website and give us an inquiry for your booking.

We will look forward to seeing you in Nozawa onsen!

For your information;

Lift Ticket 2009/2010 (They might be changed for 2010/2011 season)
We sell the discount lift tickets. If you need them, please ask at the front desk.
1 day ticket : 4350yen (child 2000yen)
2 day ticket : 8000yen (child 3900yen)
3 day ticket : 11300yen (child 5200yen)
4 day ticket : 15000yen (child 6800yen)
5 day ticket : 18300yen (child 8300yen)
6 day ticket : 21800yen (child 9800yen)
7 day ticket : 25000yen (child 11300yen)
8 day ticket : 28000yen (child 12600yen)
*Child : under 15 years old.
*Infant : under 5 year old do not need any tickets to ski.
*Non-consecutive ski day ticket. Ex; You may use it for any 3 days out of 6-day stay.
*The ticket can not be used for night skiing.

Lift Ticket Opening Campaign
The lift company usually have a opening campaign from the season started until around 20th Dec every year.
1 day ticket : 3000yen

If you need a rental ski or snowboard, there are many rental shops in this town and we have special contract with one of them. The shop is only 2-3 mins away from our Ryokan and the price is 1000yen per day for each ski set, ski wear and snowboard set.

If you plan to come over here from Narita airport, I do suggest you the special taxi, Chuo Taxi. The taxi takes you to here directly from Narita and the price is nice. If you would like to take it, please refer to the web site.
Getting to our ryokan from the Nagano station, I would like to advise you taking a bus from the Nagano station then the bus directly comes to Nozawa Onsen. Please get off the Central Parking and takes 3mins to our hotel on foot. Please also refer to our web site.
Train & Buss Access to Nozawa onsen
Train Time table & fare to Nozawa onsen

Luggage Delivery Service
There is a very reliable luggage delivery service in Japan. Ski gear, boots or snowboards can be sent directly from anywhere in Japan to our hotel. It takes about 2 days, so if you plan to travel somewhere before coming to Nozawa Onsen, I do recommend this service to you. You can find the counter of this delivery service at the Narita airport.

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This page is an archive of entries in the Room Vacancy category from October 2010.

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