Snow Monkey Park: January 2009 Archives

Snow Monkey Park

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We have got a lot of questions about the Snow Monkey Park, then I would like to introduce something regarding the Snow Monkey Park separately.

Jigokudani Yaenkoen is very famous as the Snow Monkey Park. Since 1964, Jigokudani Yaenkoen loved by many people in all over the world. Jigokudani Yaenkoen as a place where the interesting the mode of life of the Japanese Macaque can be observed nearby, and as a place of Monkey's Onsen. And many researchers and photographers coming too, and they leave their achievements lots.


Jigokudani Yaenkoen is located in a mountainous area in approximately the center of Japan. Jigokudani Monkey Park is located in the valley of Yokoyu-River that flowing from Shigakogen area of the northern part of Nagano-Prefecture. At 850 meters in elevation, it is a harsh environment where snow covers the ground for one-third of the year.

People call Jigokudani which means the Hell's Valley in Japanese because they could see the spectacle that looks like the hell that steep cliff, spring out boiling water from the surface of the earth. But this place is a paradise for monkeys.

Nozawa Onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

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