Snow Monkey Park: December 2013 Archives

Join the tour to the Snow Monkey Park!!!

Half a day trip to meet the snow monkeys!!!!

We make a book for you. Please ask us more!



Price : Adult 5,800yen / Child 3,800yen
Tour date : Daily(minimum 2 adluts)
Departure : Nozawa Onsen Kotsu, Inc office
Including : Fare & Monkey Park entrance fee
Benefit : Drink Ticket
Booking : Reception of Kawaichiya Ryokan
/ Nozawa Onsen Tourism Association / Nozawa Onsen Kotsu

TOUR Schedule
12:45 Commence checking in
13:15 Depart from Nozawa-onsen
14:05 Parking lot of the monkey park
Hike up about 25 mins
14:30 - 15:30 Enjoy the Monkey Park
15:55 Depart from the Parking lot
16:45 Arrive at Nozawa-onsen

Nozawa onsen Kawaichiya ryokan

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries in the Snow Monkey Park category from December 2013.

Snow Monkey Park: December 2011 is the previous archive.

Snow Monkey Park: January 2014 is the next archive.

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